Weather App using Angular

3 min readJan 19, 2021


Hello All,

Today we are going to build a basic World weather app using Angular and restcountries API. Our aim is to build app with two pages :

  1. Landing Page :

1.1. Grid View :displaying all the countries in a grid having sorting, filtering and search functionality in grid.

1.2. Card View : displaying the countries in card format with their flags shown.

We need a toggle button to toggle between the above two views. On click of either this individual card or a particular row , we will navigate our user to display weather of Capital of that country.

2. Weather Page:

When we click on a particular Country either from Grid or Card view , user will be navigated to this page displaying current weather (Temperature, precipitation and wind
data) for its capital using the following API:{{#capital#countryCode}}&APPID={{#yourownappId}}

Design/Structure of project:

The aim is to build in simplest form . Since I wanted Country -weather App as common text in all my views, included that in my app.component.html. I used ag-grid for grid , Angular Material for tab and card creation as all of these things are available to use easily and gives smooth UI.

app.component.html having tab, divider and router-outlet tag specifies where exactly the view will be placed based on various routes

We will create a country-landing page having the toggle button to toggle in between grid and card view for showing list of countries [OnViewChange method is doing same]. On loading of this page itself we will fetch the list of countries[getCountries does that, we call that in ngOnInit]

You can see the two routes above list and grid for two views:

these will be child component of above landing page , hence the below routes:

Coming to the Grid view: We are using ag -grid , where countries is basically list of all countries to be shown as row, and columnDefs specifies the various column name of the grid:

Resulting in below View :

On click of row , we want to navigate user to Weather Page:

On click of toggle button from grid to list view , which is created using angular material card. below is code and corresponding view for it.

On click of any tile/card or row of individual country , we want to display the details for that YOU WILL NEED TO GENERATE OWN APPID(signup at for appid)as the API call needs unique appid for sending out the data.

Calling the service above , we can fetch all the details of capital climate, display that in whatever format you wish . For now i have kept it simple as below.

This is complete explanation of this basic weather application. For detailed code , please refer to




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